Creamy Tortellini with Sundried Tomatoes, Pimientos & Le Gruyère AOP Cheese

serves 2
1 packet tortellini (with tomato, basil, ham, or any other filling of your choice)
a generous handful of pimientos
a generous handful of cocktail tomatoes
1 heaped tbsp. pureed sundried tomatoes (In the video I use two smaller spoonfuls instead.)
1 red onion
1 tsp salt
1 tsp dried thyme
1 tsp ground chilli flakes
Approx. 3-4 dl whipping cream
a piece of Le Gruyère AOP cheese
butter for frying
  1. Chop all the vegetables into coarse chunks.
  2. Fry in butter until soft.
  3. Add the seasoning and the sundried tomatoes.
  4. Add the tortellini and pour in the whipping cream. Let reduce in the pan until the cream thickens and the tortellini are soft (approx. 5 minutes).
  5. Top with Le Gruyère AOP cheese to finish. UTTERLY DELICIOUS!

Pontus' outdoor recipes

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The Stories of Le Gruyère AOP

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