Egg flan and Breakfast tacos with Le Gruyère AOP

6 eggs
1 tsp dijon mustard
200 g crème fraîche 18%
200 g grated Le Gruyère AOP
1 tbsp finely chopped fresh oregano
salt and pepper
250 g green asparagus
50 g grated Le Gruyère AOP
a little fresh oregano for serving
a nice salad
some good bread
  1. Whisk the eggs with the mustard and creme fraiche. Stir in grated Le Gruyère AOP and season with oregano, salt and pepper.
  2. Cut or snap off the lower, woody end of the asparagus and discard it.
  3. Pour the egg mixture into a tart dish. Top with asparagus and grated Le Gruyère AOP.
  4. Bake the flan in the hot oven for approximately… …. minutes until it is golden and has set. Serve immediately with salad and good bread.
4-5 ripe tomatoes
2 handfuls of coriander
1 small onion
1 green chili, by all means a jalapeño
juice of ½ -1 lime
Breakfast tacos with Le Gruyère AOP
400 g boiled potatoes
a little olive oil
8 soft tortillas
200 g grated Le Gruyère AOP
2-3 avocados, diced


  1. Blend tomatoes, coriander, onion and chilli in a mini chopper or food processor.
  2. Season to taste with lime juice and salt.

Breakfast tacos with Le Gruyère AOP:

  1. Cut the potatoes into bite-sized pieces. Lightly brown them in oil in a hot pan. Season with salt.
  2. Warm tortillas one at a time in a dry, hot pan. Put cheese on each tortilla and let it melt slightly.
  3. Spread potatoes and avocado on the tortillas and fold them over the filling.
  4. Serve with salsa and enjoy immediately.

Louisa's Family Cooking

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The Stories of Le Gruyère AOP

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