THE Stories of
Le Gruyère AOP

Share your story about
Le Gruyère AOP for a chance to win!
The winner gets a set of Riedel Wineglasses (12 pcs)
Tell us how you first learned about Le Gruyère AOP, what your favourite recipe that includes this cheese is, or where you usually buy it. You have a chance to win Riedel wineglasses worth up to €500.
You can participate via the online form and also post your story on Instagram with hashtag #gruyerestories your post will be shown on this page, and we will also share the best stories on our official account @weloveswisscheese_nordics
Journey to cheeseland | Systrarna Eisenman
Making of
Le Gruyère AOP
Sweden’s Food Bloggers of the Year 2019 learn about how Le Gruyère AOP is made in the Mézières dairy. They also meet cheese master Nicolas and the producers who deliver fresh milk to their local cheese dairy every morning and afternoon.

Visit to the Mézières creamery

Picnic in the Gruyères village

Visit to the producer of Le Gruyère AOP Alpage in the mountains

How Malakoffs are made

What impressed us the most?
Share your story about Le Gruyère AOP for a chance to win!
Rules of the competition
1. Organiser:
Switzerland Cheese Marketing Nordics
Malminkaari 13 A, 00700 Helsinki
Business ID 2501559-1
2. Eligibility:
Natural persons aged 18 or above and residing in Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark can participate in the competition. Employees of the Organiser, or people who have participated in the creation of the campaign, or family members thereof, cannot participate in the competition.
3. Duration:
The competition starts on 1st September, 2021, and ends on 30 June, 2022. The Organiser is not liable for any technical issues that prevent you from participating in the competition.
4. Participating in the competitions:
You can participate online at and by entering your contact information (name and email address) on the competition form. The competition is not sponsored, recommended, or managed by Facebook. The participant provides their contact information to be used in the Organiser’s competitions, not to Facebook.
5. Prizes:
As the competition’s prize, Riedel wineglass set worth €500 in total shall be drawn among all participants. The prize may not be exchanged, transferred to another person, or exchanged for cash.
6. Notifying the winner and receiving the prize:
The competition’s Organiser shall contact the winner via the email address they have provided. If the winner cannot be contacted, or the mailed prize is returned to the Organiser due to incorrect contact information or some other delivery obstacle, or the winner has violated these rules or the law, or the winner cannot be reached within two weeks from the date of the draw, a new winner shall be drawn. The Organiser is entitled to exclude participants who attempt to misuse the competition to influence the result or draw probabilities.
7. Organiser’s liability:
The winner of the prize shall release the Organiser from all liabilities and costs that may be incurred when participating in the competition or receiving or using the prize. However, this freedom from liability shall not reduce the consumer’s rights under the Consumer Protection Act. The Organiser’s liability towards the participants is limited to the amount and value of the competition’s prize. The winner shall be liable for all other costs that are related to accepting or implementing the prize. The prize cannot be exchanged for cash or other products. By participating in the competition, the participant shall commit to following these rules and the decisions of the Organiser. The Organiser reserves the right to change the rules by announcing the changes on the competition website.
8. Processing and using personal data in direct marketing:
The email address of any participant shall only be used to contact the winner if the participant in question refuses to receive direct marketing. The Organiser has the right to publish the winner’s first name, last name, and place of residence on the Organiser’s Facebook page and website.
9. Immaterial rights:
The Organiser has the right to use the content of the competition entries in its marketing and to modify them.
Behind the scenes with Petter
Food photography
on the road
Stockholm-based food influencer, photographer, and journalist Petter Bäcklund visited Switzerland to photograph the production of Le Gruyère AOP, the producers, and foods. See Petter’s stories on food photography in Switzerland.

The cheese journey starts from Bern

Anatomy of a good food photo

Photography equipment on the road

Mountains and cellar maturation